Our Expertise is Bridging the Gap Between Machine and Human Machine Interface,
Enabling Comprehensive Monitoring
and Seamless Data Flow.
Let's Talk Business
Do you have a software development project to implement? We have people to work on it.
We will be glad to answer all your questions as well as estimate any project of yours.
Use the form below to describe the project and we will get in touch with you within 1 business day.
If you have any questions or concerns about our product or service, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Our marketing and engineering teams are here to serve as your trusty guides.,
navigating you through the information and ensuring that you reach your destination of enlightenment.
MOSCADS Exousia, Pt
Jayakarta 135 / B 11, Jakarta 10730, Indonesia
Phone: : +62 21 6259727, 6240234
Fax: +62 21 6595277
WA: +62 81283977391
Marketing: victoria@moscads.co.id
Support: support@moscads.co.id