Security Network TAP

Uncompromisingly Secure Network Access for Full Network Transparency

Maximize your network visibility with our cost-effective and innovative Network TAPs


PacketRaven Copper TAPs are intelligent FPGA-based mirroring devices for secure and reliable tapping of network data in copper-based networks. These TAPs are looped into the copper line to be monitored and forward all data traffic without interruption. Our Copper TAPs have redundant power supplies, which guarantees high reliability.

They do not have a MAC or IP address, but work on OSI Layer 1, and are therefore not detectable in the network without expensive measurement equipment. Hackers and other attackers thus have no chance, and since the integrity of the outgoing data remains unaltered due to this tapping method, Network TAPs are increasingly used in the areas of network forensics, security and monitoring.

PacketRaven Copper TAPs were designed as portable TAPs, but can also be installed in data centers using a mounting kit in a 19″ mounting frame.

They support 10M, 100M and 1G speeds.With PacketRaven copper TAPs you get permanent network access without risk and provide e.g. your monitoring tools with 100% reliable network data without introducing a single point of failure. Because your network security tool is only as good as the data source!